The Twitter Cleaner: Clean your tweets, retweets, replies and likes in a click!

13 min readMay 31, 2021


As human beings, we are wired to learn. We get curious, we explore and learn, and finally, we change. As we change, we sometimes need a fresh start with a blank page, right?

Getting ready for summer with a spring cleaning? How about your Twitter account? If you are ready, let’s discover the ultimate Twitter cleaner!

We create our virtual selves through our social media accounts; we share our experiences, opinions, likes, and desires with other people. With technological affordances, we can create a network of people without the boundaries of time and space. We engage with our loved ones through these social media platforms. As they are our virtual representatives, we want them to reflect our identities like a mirror.

We are all acquainted with stalking. It may sound negative, but we all get information about people through social media; it is not all about searching for exes or new dates.

When you start a new job, you look for your boss; you explore ideas and updates of public figures and celebrities; you investigate the communities, brands, organizations and social movements.

So, as we or the people we are engaged with change, we may sometimes need to delete our history on these social media platforms. Well, changes happen all the time, and it might get hard to cope with all the changes manually.

This guideline will introduce you to one of the best tools of Circleboom. With Circleboom My Tweets, you can delete all your tweets, retweets and remove Twitter likes. If you are ready, let’s discover the ultimate Twitter cleaner of Circleboom My Tweets.

How to clean your Twitter account?

For a neat Twitter clean up, we recommend you focus on how to clear tweets, how to clear your Twitter likes and how to clear your retweets. As you can imagine, doing all these manually will be time-consuming and exhausting. Circleboom allows you to displays your tweets, retweets, and likes as a list and helps you sort them using keywords to clean your Twitter account.

Keep up with the guideline to discover how to clean your Twitter account from undesired tweets, retweets and likes.

How to auto delete all your tweets with Twitter Archive?

If you are ready for a fresh start on Twitter, let us introduce you to Circleboom’s smart Twitter History eraser. With Circleboom, a fresh start is just a few clicks away. Follow the guideline below to discover this magical Twitter cleaner tool of Circleboom.

Step #1: You need to download your Twitter archive from Twitter.

Don’t worry if you do not know how to do it. You can follow our guide to download your Twitter archive.

You need to download your Twitter archive from Twitter
You need to download your Twitter archive from Twitter

Step #2: Log in to Circleboom.

Circleboom makes every step much easier for you. You don’t need to create a new account to log in; you can get started with your Twitter account. Synchronization with your Twitter will only take a few seconds.

You don’t need to create a new account for Circleboom; you can get started with your Twitter account.
You don’t need to create a new account for Circleboom; you can get started with your Twitter account.

Step #3: After you log in, you will see a menu on the left side of the page.

Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select “Delete Twitter Archive.”

Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select “Delete Twitter Archive.”
Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select “Delete Twitter Archive.”

Step #4: Find the “tweets.js” file in your Twitter Archive file you have downloaded from Twitter.

You need to unzip the file to access “tweets.js.”

Step #5: Drop the file on the dashboard to upload. After you upload the file, all your Twitter history will welcome you on the page.

The uploading process may take few seconds, depending on your internet connection.

Drop the file on the Circleboom dashboard to upload
Drop the file on the Circleboom dashboard to upload

Step #6: On this dashboard, you can clear tweets with this ultimate Twitter cleaner.

You can select “Delete my Tweets,” “Delete my Retweets” and “Delete my Replies” options at the top of the page.

You will see “Delete my Tweets,” “Delete my Retweets” and “Delete my Replies” options at the top of the page.
You will see “Delete my Tweets,” “Delete my Retweets” and “Delete my Replies” options at the top of the page.

After you make your selection, click the red “Delete My Archive” button for a fresh start.

If you don’t want to clear all tweets, Circleboom has a solution for that, too! Follow the mini guidelines to delete only Tweets with Media attached to them, or to clear tweets within a particular period, or clear tweets by keyword or clear tweets by language.

If you haven’t satisfied with what you’ve read yet, you may also consider following our hands-on video, which demonstrates all these steps in practice briefly:

How to Clear Tweets with images and videos (Twitter Media)

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom and upload your Twitter history to Circleboom’s Twitter history dashboard.

Just repeat the steps we have mentioned so far to upload your Twitter Archive.

Repeat the steps to upload your Twitter Archive.
Repeat the steps to upload your Twitter Archive.

Step #2: After you upload your Twitter history to Circleboom, you will see the option “Delete tweets without any media attached it” at the bottom, click it and tap “Delete My Archive.”

This way, you will keep your tweets with media attached to them while you clean all tweets.

After you upload your Twitter history to Circleboom, you will see the option “Delete tweets without any media attached it” at the bottom.

How to Clean Tweets with a specific keyword

If you want to clear tweets with specific keywords, hashtags or usernames, you can use the free text search option of Circleboom to identify the tweets.

Option 1: How to auto clean tweets by keywords/hashtags (with Twitter Archive)

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom and upload your Twitter history to Circleboom’s Twitter history Dashboard following the methods we have mentioned so far.

Then click the filter tab on the dashboard.

With Circleboom, you can clear tweets with specific keywords.
With Circleboom, you can clear tweets with specific keywords

Step #2: Type the keyword, hashtag or username to “Any Keyword / Username or Hashtag Search” to find the tweets you want.

After you specify your filter, click the “Delete My Archive” button at the bottom of the page to clear tweets with your keyword.

You can clear all tweets that contain specific keywords, hashtags, or usernames using the text box filter

Option 2: How to auto clean tweets by keywords/hashtags (the most recent 3,200 tweets only)

To auto delete tweets with several keywords and find the right tweets before deleting them, follow the steps below:

Step #1: Go to the Circleboom dashboard and select “Delete Tweets” and “My Tweets” from the drop menu.

You will find your last 3,200 tweets listed in seconds.

You easily auto delete tweets by keyword or hashtags in Circleboom

Step #2: If you want to search tweets with certain keywords, hashtags, or usernames, simply enter them in the grid power search on the right.

Thus, you can select the tweets you want to delete and click on “Delete Selected”.

Circleboom will list all your tweets that contain the search term.
Circleboom will list all your tweets that contain the search term

How to Clean all Tweets by date

If you would like to delete all your tweets by date, it is quite possible in Circleboom. To do that, you will find two different methods, one with “Delete Twitter Archive” menu, and the second one is with the “Delete Tweet” menu.

If those tweets you want to get rid of are among your last 3,200 tweets, we suggest using the second option. However, if it is older than the most recent 3,200 tweets, you should use the first option.

Option 1: Auto clean tweets with a specific date ( with Twitter Archive)

Circleboom lets you clear all your tweets by date, that it may take hours finding them one by one manually.

Step #1: As shown in the previous steps, you should first upload your Twitter archive file to Circleboom.

After that, you should open the filter feature on the dashboard.

Delete your tweets by date is quite easy with Circleboom

Step #2: Then, you can put the particular period you would like to clear tweets by date.

It is quite a handy option if you would like to clean tweets in bulk between particular dates.

You can define any period considering which date you would like to clean your tweets between
You can define any period considering which date you would like to clean your tweets between

Step #3: Once you are done, go and click the “Delete All Tweets” button at the bottom.

Hence, all tweets between those dates will be gone. That’s all!

You can auto delete your tweets by date in a few clicks
You can auto delete your tweets by date in a few clicks

Option 2: Clear from Delete Tweet menu (the most recent 3,200 tweets only)

Step #1: You don’t need to create a new account to log in; you can get started with your Twitter account.

Synchronization with your Twitter will only take a few seconds.

Log in to Circleboom

Step #2: After you log in, you will see a menu on the left side of the page.

Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select “Delete Tweets.”

After a few seconds, you will see a list of all your tweets
After a few seconds, you will see a list of all your tweets.

Step #3: Type the date in the search box on the right side of the page, and you will find the tweets from that date. You can select some of them and click “Delete Selected” if you don’t want to clear tweets in bulk.

If you want to clear all tweets from that specific date, you can select “Delete all Tweets.”

With Circleboom, it is very easy to clear tweets from a specific day
With Circleboom, it is very easy to clear tweets from a specific day.

How to Clean Tweets by specific language

If you want to cleat tweets with specific language, Circleboom’s ultimate Twitter cleaner, My Tweets Tool, can help you.

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom and upload your Twitter history to Circleboom’s Twitter history Dashboard.

Then click the filter tab on the dashboard.

If you want to cleat tweets with specific language, Circleboom’s ultimate Twitter cleaner, My Tweets Tool, can help you.
If you want to cleat tweets with specific language, Circleboom’s ultimate Twitter cleaner, My Tweets Tool, can help you.

Step #2: You will see the “Search by Tweet Language” option on the dashboard to clear tweets by language. Select the language you want from the options, and all your tweets written in that language will be market.

When you are ready, click the “Delete My Archive” button at the bottom of the page to clear tweets by the language you choose.

With Circleboom Twitter cleaner, you can clear tweets by language.
With Circleboom Twitter cleaner, you can clear tweets by language.

How to clean the last 3,200 tweets on Twitter?

If you are an active Twitter user, you may have hundreds and thousands of tweets. As you scroll down on Twitter, you may encounter tweets that don’t reflect who you are now.

It is good to make peace with our past, but, understandably, we don’t want to share it with everybody, right? If you have a long history on Twitter, it may get quite exhausting to go over all your tweets one by one. We present you with a very simple solution. Circleboom can help you to resolve this complex and time-consuming problem with its excellent My Tweets Tool.

With Circleboom’s ultimate Twitter cleaner, you can clear tweets at once. If you don’t want to clear all tweets and likes, you can filter the ones you want to clear by searching for specific keywords, @usernames, #hashtags, period or even a particular language.

In this guideline, we will help you to learn how to clear tweets on Twitter. Keep up with the reading to find the best option for you to clear tweets.

How to clear tweets in bulk?

Step #1: You don’t need to create a new account to log in; you can get started with your Twitter account.

Synchronization with your Twitter will only take a few seconds.

Log in to Circleboom to delete your most recent 3,200 tweets
Log in to Circleboom to delete your most recent 3,200 tweets

Step #2: After you log in, you will see a menu on the left side of the page. Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select “Delete Tweets.”

After a few seconds, you will see a list of all your tweets.

Circleboom’s My Tweets Tool makes it easier for you to clean tweets
Circleboom’s My Tweets Tool makes it easier for you to clean tweets.

Step #3: At the top of the list, you will see the “Delete all Tweets” button. Once you tap it, the action cannot be undone. So, make sure that this is your final decision, then click “Delete all Tweets.”

If you don’t want to clear tweets in bulk, you can consider the following options to clear tweets from a specific date or auto delete tweets with particular keywords.

We also have a hands-on video for those who would prefer to follow these steps with:

How to clear your Twitter likes?

It can be very challenging to unlike tweets directly on Twitter. You need to go through all your likes one by one to eliminate unwanted likes. At these moments, we wonder how to clear your Twitter likes in bulk or easily identify the undesired likes. If you want to delete all Twitter likes or selectively delete the ones you don’t want, Circleboom can help you.

Option 1: Clear all your Tweets likes in bulk

Circleboom helps you to clear all your Twitter likes in just a few clicks. All you need to do is to follow the steps to learn how to clear your Twitter likes.

Step #1: Log in to Circleboom.

You don’t need to create a new account to log in; you can get started with your Twitter account. Synchronization with your Twitter will only take a few seconds.

Unlike your likes on Twitter with Circleboom!
Unlike your likes on Twitter with Circleboom!

Step #2: Once you log in, you will see a menu on the left side of the page. As you can see from the menu, Circleboom offers many other tools like publish tool to schedule your tweets or user analytics and the circle tool to get insights about your followers to manage your Twitter account like a pro.

Then, click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select Unlike.

Circleboom helps you to clean likes on Twitter.
Circleboom helps you to clean likes on Twitter.

After a few seconds, you will see a list of all your likes.

Step #3: At the top of the list, you will see the “Unlike All” button. Once you tap it, the action cannot be undone.

So, make sure that this is your final decision, then click “Unlike All.”

Clear your Twitter likes in seconds!
Clear your Twitter likes in seconds!

This was our first option to how to clear our Twitter likes. Let’s move on to option 2 if you want to cherry-pick the likes you want to clean.

Option 2: Twitter clean up with selective unlike

If you don’t want a whole fresh start with your Twitter likes but only want to clean particular tweets, Circleboom is here to help you!

Maybe you want to clear likes on Twitter related to one person. Or you change your mind about a subject, so you want to clear likes on Twitter regarding that hashtag. It can be very hard and time-consuming to pick the ones you want to clear in your likes, right?

With Circleboom’s excellent My Tweets Tool, you can search for specific keywords like a @person or a #hashtag to filter out the likes. Follow the guide below to clear likes on Twitter with a selective filter.

Step #1: Circleboom makes every step much easier for you.

You don’t need to create a new account to log in; you can get started with your Twitter account. Synchronization with your Twitter will only take a few seconds.

Log in to Circleboom to unlike your Twitter likes!
Log in to Circleboom to unlike your Twitter likes!

Step #2: After you log in, you will see a menu on the left side of the page. Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select Unlike.

After a few seconds, you will see a list of all your likes.

Open My Tweets on Circleboom dashboard.

Step #3: This is where the magic happens. With the search bar on the top right of the list, you can search for specific keywords, usernames and hashtags to find the unwanted likes and clear likes on Twitter.

After you complete your selection to clear likes on Twitter, click “Unlike Selected,” and that’s all.

Selectively clear likes on Twitter
Selectively clear likes on Twitter

You can also take a look at our hands-on video to unlike all likes at once:

Note: As you see on top of the page, the list will include the most recent 3,200 Twitter likes. Twitter doesn’t allow access to older Twitter likes. But don’t worry, they are not visible to the others, too. If you want more detailed information, you can read Twitter Policy.

How to clear recent retweets on Twitter?

If you want to clear all your retweets or cherry-pick those you don’t want, you are in the right place. Circleboom’s Twitter cleaner, My Tweets Tool, can help you with your Twitter cleaning.

Step #1: You don’t need to create a new account to log in; you can get started with your Twitter account.

This will only take a few seconds.

Log in to Circleboom start deleting all your retweets
Log in to Circleboom start deleting all your retweets

Step #2: After you log in, you will see a menu on the left side of the page.

Click “My Tweets,” and a sub-menu will appear, select “Delete RTs.”

Here, you will see a list of all your retweets.
Here, you will see a list of all your retweets.

Step #3: If you want to clear all retweets, you should select the “Delete all RTs” button on top of your list.

Or, if you want to clear your retweets with a specific keyword, hashtag or username, you should type it into the search box and then click the red “Delete selected RTs” on top of your list.

Delete your retweets in a few clicks!
Delete your retweets in a few clicks!

You can also follow our video tutorial to delete retweets at once:

Wrapping Up

We all need a fresh start from time to time. For our social media accounts, opening a new page can be hard and time-consuming. Circleboom can help you to start fresh with only a few clicks. Circleboom’s ultimate Twitter cleaner tool, My Tweets, offers you many different options to clean my Twitter.

As you are about to open a new page, your privacy and security matter the most! Since Circleboom is fully compliant with Twitter’s rules and regulations, your Twitter account will be safe with Circleboom. That’s why many international companies like Netflix, BBC and Roche prefer Circleboom for managing Twitter.

Good luck with your fresh start!

Originally published at on May 31, 2021.




Written by Circleboom

Boom your social circle! Circleboom is a “Social Media Management” tool which enables users, brands, and SMBs to grow and strengthen their social network

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