Can you Bulk Delete Twitter Likes? Yes, in just 2 steps!

6 min readNov 27, 2019


Delete all Twitter likes

Looking for the fastest way to unlike all tweets? or want to bulk delete your Twitter likes?

To be honest, it is pretty understandable to delete old likes because you do not want any association with that account/topic/person/idea.

At such times, using a tool that can quickly delete Twitter likes for you can be most beneficial.

Can you delete all Twitter likes?

You can also, unlike all tweets from Twitter itself, but that would require you to delete each tweet individually.

But, if you wish to just delete all Twitter likes at once, a third-party app can save time and effort. You need to be careful when selecting a safe third-party tool for your Twitter account. It should be an authorized software.

How many likes can you have on Twitter?

You can like 1,000 tweets per day at most, and you have as many as Twitter likes you can have in total but Twitter shows only the most recent 3,200 likes you got.

The bad side of it, if your account is not private, everyone can see the tweets you liked. So, mostly it is a good idea to delete all Twitter likes periodically.

How to delete Twitter Likes in bulk or selectively?

Circleboom Twitter is a Twitter management tool that helps you quickly bulk delete Twitter likes. With this, you can just delete Twitter likes at once within seconds.

Login to the Circleboom and authenticate your Twitter account to use any feature.

Once logged in, you can delete your Twitter likes, manage your Twitter unfollowers, and get your Twitter analytics.

To unlike all tweets, here’s the 2-step process:

Step #1: Go to the Circleboom menu on the left, and select “My Tweets” -> “Unlike”.

Your most recent tweets will be listed by Circleboom. To delete all Twitter likes, you can click on “Unlike All” to unlike all tweets.

delete all Twitter likes, tweets, media, retweets.

Step #2: To delete selected Twitter likes, select the tweets you want to erase likes of and click on “Delete selected.” You can also search for specific tweets by using the grid power search.

You can search for tweets by keywords/hashtags/location/date to find the tweet you wish to unlike.

bulk delete Twitter likesBulk Delete Twitter Likes

To view any tweet like before removing it, you can view the tweet using the blue eye icon.

The biggest benefit of using Circleboom is that you can quickly search for any tweet that you have liked with the power search.

In case you would like to follow these steps on our video tutorial to bulk delete Twitter likes, here it is:

Finding the same tweet on Twitter might take you days or months.

Even the, unlike all button, is a unique feature that you would not find in many tools and makes Circleboom a true time-saver Twitter app.

Note: According to Twitter’s official policy, it is not possible to view and delete beyond the last 3,200 Twitter likes.

So, if you have more than 3,200 Twitter likes, you won’t be able to remove all your Twitter likes.

How to delete all Twitter likes through your iPhone?

Circleboom also announced the most intuitive Twitter management app to enable users and brands to manage their Twitter accounts from iOS mobile devices. If you please, you can download Circleboom Twitter App from below:

Circleboom Twitter iOS App

Once you download the Circleboom Twitter app, just follow the steps listed here:

Step #1: After logging into the app, tap on ‘My Tweets’ from the drop-down menu.

Then ‘Unlike’ to proceed.

delete all your likes on iPhone.

Step #2: Circleboom will list all your Twitter likes.

Here you can visit and delete your Twitter likes one by one. If you don’t want to go manually, you can start selecting them in bulk.

delete all your Twitter likes in bulk, delete all your likes selectively.

Step #3: Or you can sort your Twitter likes. On the Circleboom Twitter app, you can filter your likes by last tweet, screen name, name, retweet count, and favorite count they got.

If you want to delete your Twitter likes by specific keywords, you can search them in that way.

You can filter your tweets, retweets, likes on Circleboom.
You can filter your tweets, retweets, likes on Circleboom.

Step #4: After defining the Twitter likes you want to get rid of, simply tap on “Unlike Selected” or “Unlike All” button.

To end the process, tap on the “Unlike” button on the opening window.

Delete all your likes on Twitter.
Unlike all your likes on Twitter.

That’s all!

Are the deleted likes recoverable?

Once you delete old Twitter likes, remember that it’s not recoverable. Deleted likes cannot be recovered using the Twitter app or Circleboom app.

So, if you are not sure about losing all likes, you might want to re-consider before bulk deleting Twitter likes.

Can I delete more than 3,200 Twitter likes?

Twitter has some standards and usage restrictions in place across the board. They don’t let anyone or any program delete more than 3,200 Twitter likes in the last 24 hours. Their architecture prevents users (even API) from scrolling through the last 3,200 likes.

So, if you got more than 3,200 likes on your Twitter account, nothing to worry about. No one can see those likes, including you!

How do you delete all retweets and likes on Twitter?

Via Circleboom Twitter, you can delete all your retweets and likes on Twitter. All you need to do is log in to the Circleboom Twitter board.

If you want to delete your retweets from the last 3,200 tweets you post, you can simply delete them via the “Delete RTs” button under “My Tweets”.

Delete your retweets in bulk.
You can delete all your RTs with Circleboom.

However, if you want to delete old retweets that are not among the most recent 3,200 tweets you post, you should download your Twitter archive file first:

Delete all your retweets with Circleboom Twitter.
You can delete beyond 3,200 retweets.

Then take the Circleboom’s Delete Twitter Archive features, available on the same board.

Delete your Twitter archive.
Download and delete your Twitter archive.

Wrapping Up

The paid plan features can unlike as many tweets they like or unlike all tweets as well. The pro plan starts at quite reasonable prices.

If you have any issues while using Circleboom to bulk delete Twitter likes, you might also find some of our features below quite useful in managing your Twitter account:

Originally published at on November 27, 2019.




Boom your social circle! Circleboom is a “Social Media Management” tool which enables users, brands, and SMBs to grow and strengthen their social network