Best time to post on Twitter: The Ultimate Guide

7 min readNov 1, 2021


Whether it is your personal or business Twitter account, engagement is what makes social media social. We are all on social media platforms to be read, seen, and heard.

Social media has come to our lives as a means to connect with our friends, and it has evolved into a platform also for businesses to participate in meaningful conversations with their audience.

From a business perspective, these engagement opportunities have proven to have a significant influence on everything from brand visibility to sales and customer loyalty. So, many businesses focus on increasing their engagement figures to boost their brand awareness.

One proven way to increase your engagement on Twitter is to learn the best time to post on Twitter. In this article, we will help you to find your best time to tweet for maximum exposure.

When is the best time to post on Twitter?

The importance of the best time to post on Twitter can be explained with the recent Twitter algorithm. The chronological feed is back in the game thanks to a new tweak in Twitter’s algorithms, making the timing of your tweets more important than before.

Like most social media platforms, Twitter’s feeds have been based on engagement and popularity since 2016. But now, users have the option to change their feeds order from “Top-ranked tweets” to “Latest post tweets,” which allows them to see the tweets in reverse-chronological order.

Knowing the best time to post on Twitter is crucial as Twitter users can view their feed in reverse-chronological order
Knowing the best time to post on Twitter is crucial as Twitter users can view their feed in reverse-chronological order

How come the best time to post on Twitter is important, then?

If a Twitter user prefers the reverse-chronological feed, they will see the tweets right when they are posted. So, the most recent tweets would take the position at the top of the feed leaving the previous ones in the dark.

That is why you need to know the best time to post on Twitter to get more engagement.

So, there is no one size fits all answer regarding the best time to post on Twitter. Every brand or business has a unique audience, which means they can be active on Twitter in different periods.

In a nutshell, you should define your Twitter scheduling strategy and the best time to tweet based on your own followers’ activity.

Most of the Twitter management tools don’t offer this service to their users. But as being one of the most comprehensive Twitter management tools, Circleboom Twitter helps its users to get a thorough insight analysis of their followers with its Best Time to Tweet feature.

Circleboom Twitter statistically analyzes all of your followers’ activities to determine the best time to post on Twitter for you. Circleboom’s Best Time to Tweet feature basically tells you the times when most of your followers are online. It will surely give you the most accurate data about the best time to post on Twitter just for you.

Besides this to-the-point solution with Circleboom Twitter, there are, of course, some generic guides about the best time to tweet.

Best time of day to tweet

Different companies have diverse audiences, which means that their preferences and posting times are also different. Nonetheless, you may use the broad guidelines to test and learn the ideal time for your company. But, it will for sure take some time and energy to learn with the trial-and-error method.

You can take a look at these facts from well-known social media marketing firms to see their report results about the best time to tweet for maximum exposure.

  • HowSociable claims that Friday is the best day, and 9–10 am is the best time to post on Twitter.
  • Hubspot suggests that between 8–10 am and 6–9 pm is the best time to tweet for maximum exposure.
  • G2 Learning Hub favors Friday as the best day and 3 am as the best time to tweet.
  • Sprout Social says that between 9 am — 3 pm, Wednesdays is the best time to post on Twitter, and also Tuesday through Thursday, 9–11 am is a good option.
Sprout Social says that between 9 am — 3 pm, Wednesdays is the best time to post on Twitter, and also Tuesday through Thursday, 9–11 am is a good option
Sprout Social says that between 9 am — 3 pm, Wednesdays is the best time to post on Twitter, and also Tuesday through Thursday, 9–11 am is a good option

To cut a long story short, you might consider the following suggestions when you test and evaluate your best time to post on Twitter;

  • During office commute hours- people tend to check their Twitter when driving to work early in the morning and turning back home after the end of the workday.
  • People frequently check their Twitter feeds during their lunch breaks, so it can also be another option for the best time to post on Twitter.
  • Weekends are the least popular days for Twitter posting. The majority of your audience is generally out and going about their daily routines. So, it’s critical to plan your postings mostly for weekdays.
  • As many people are busy with their to-dos during work hours (9 am — 5 pm), there is the least engagement.
  • Between 8 and 11 pm, the most retweets and favorites are received.
  • Tweets sent between 2 and 3 am get the greatest engagement on average.

But we suggest you keep in mind that these are generic outcomes of the overall analysis. It would be better to consider these inferences to outline a rough draft for your Twitter marketing strategy.

To build a more thorough Twitter marketing strategy, you can benefit from the deep follower insights that Circleboom Twitter provides you. You can learn the exact best time to post on Twitter not based on generic marketing consumer researches but based on your unique followers.

Best time to post on Twitter for business

The best time to post on Twitter for business is a very general topic. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a one-size-fits-all solution as a magic recipe for this complicated topic? Unfortunately, this is not the case for the business.

Well, of course, there are some generic findings based on widespread data. One study suggests that B2C businesses generally get the most engagement between 8–10 am while for the B2C businesses, it is between 7 am and 8 am, and at 11 am early in the morning, or at 6 pm or 9 pm later in the day.

But the problem is if you check another study, it would say weekends are the best time to post on Twitter for B2C businesses as the people will have more free time. All in all, every business offers different products and services for different target audiences. And, their habits change according to their lifestyles, needs, and preferences.

Best time to post art on Twitter

If you are an artist or running an art business, your social media strategy can boost your business in a very short time as you can use the social media platforms as your showcase. But this can only be achieved with the right marketing strategy.

Whether your announcement is about a new art event in a gallery or a new work-of-art in the market, you need to know when is the best time to post on Twitter to get to most of it.

One common suggestion about the best time to tweet for maximum exposure is to avoid weekends. That shouldn’t be a surprise as on the weekends most of the people attend events that are already planned during the weekdays.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with tweeting on weekends to remind the events scheduled for the day. But if you plan to announce a new event, service or product, weekend days shouldn’t be your first option.

Instead of weekends, you can post in the afternoon during the weekdays to get maximum engagement and exposure. But instead of guessing the best time to post on Twitter for your art business, you can always use the ultimate Twitter management and analytics tool, Circleboom Twitter.

With Circleboom, you can learn the exact best time to post on Twitter for your unique audience. Arts people can be very different in terms of their habits. So, it would be better for you to learn your own audience’s unique needs and habits.

Wrapping Up

Building a Twitter marketing strategy depends on many different factors. In terms of engagement and exposure, knowing the best time to post on Twitter can boost your business in a very short time.

Although there are many general reports about the best time to tweet, every business has a unique audience with different needs and habits. So, it would be wise to learn more about your audience’s insights with a comprehensive Twitter analytics tool.

As one of the most intuitive Twitter management tools, Circleboom Twitter offers its users the exact best time to post on Twitter by analyzing their followers’ activities. With the help of Circleboom Twitter, you can save your time, energy, and money by avoiding manual work of trial-and-error methods of finding the best time to post on Twitter.

Download Circleboom Twitter iOS APP now!

Originally published at on November 1, 2021.




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