Best 10 AI Tools for Pinterest in 2024

6 min readJun 15, 2024
Best 10 AI Tools for Pinterest in 2024

Imagine skyrocketing your Pinterest engagement, effortlessly managing your boards, and creating stunning pins without breaking a sweat. Sounds too good to be true? With the right AI tools, this dream can become your reality. As Pinterest continues to grow as a hub for visual discovery and inspiration, leveraging AI tools has become essential for marketers and content creators. These tools can significantly enhance your ability to create engaging content, streamline your workflow, and analyze your performance.

By incorporating AI, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your Pinterest strategy is both effective and efficient. Whether you are looking to design stunning visuals, schedule pins at optimal times, or gain insights into your audience’s preferences, there are AI tools that can meet your needs.

Here are the top 10 AI tools for Pinterest in 2024:

1. Circleboom Publish


Circleboom Publish stands out as an all-in-one social media management tool that supports Pinterest along with other platforms. You can use it for content curation, scheduling, and analytics. Circleboom’s user-friendly interface allows you to manage multiple Pinterest accounts, plan your content calendar, and analyze your performance to optimize your strategy. With Circleboom, you can automate your pinning process, discover trending content, and engage with your audience more effectively. Additionally, Circleboom’s integration with Canva and Unsplash allows you to create and source visually appealing pins directly within the platform, further streamlining your workflow.



Canva is a versatile design tool that uses AI to help you create stunning visuals for your Pinterest boards. You can use it for designing pins, creating infographics, and developing animated visuals. With a wide range of templates and easy-to-use design features, Canva enables you to produce professional-quality pins that can attract more engagement. Canva’s AI-driven design suggestions and vast library of images, fonts, and graphics make it simple to create eye-catching content that stands out on Pinterest.

3. Tailwind


Tailwind is a popular tool for Pinterest that offers smart scheduling, analytics, and content discovery. You can use it for finding the best times to post, creating visually appealing pins, and tracking your performance to refine your strategies over time. Tailwind’s AI features include the ability to analyze your audience’s behavior and suggest optimal posting times, ensuring that your pins reach the maximum number of viewers. Additionally, Tailwind’s Tribes feature allows you to join communities of like-minded pinners to share and discover content, amplifying your reach and engagement on the platform.

4. Later


Later is known for its visual content calendar and scheduling capabilities. You can use it for planning your content visually, scheduling pins, and analyzing your performance. This tool uses AI to suggest the best times for posting and provides detailed analytics to help you understand what types of content perform best. With Later, you can plan and schedule your pins visually, making it easier to maintain a cohesive and attractive Pinterest profile. Later’s feature also allows you to drive traffic from your Instagram and Pinterest profiles to specific web pages, enhancing your cross-platform marketing efforts.

5. Buffer


Buffer offers a simple way to schedule pins and analyze their performance. You can use it for managing your Pinterest presence, optimizing your pinning schedule, and measuring campaign impacts. With its clean interface and powerful analytics, Buffer helps you manage your Pinterest presence effectively, ensuring that your content reaches the right audience at the right time. Buffer’s AI-driven insights help you optimize your pinning schedule and measure the impact of your campaigns. Additionally, Buffer’s integration with various third-party apps and services, such as Canva and Unsplash, makes it a versatile tool for creating and curating high-quality content for your Pinterest boards.

6. Hootsuite


Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management platform that includes Pinterest support. You can use it for scheduling pins, monitoring engagement, and measuring the success of your campaigns. Its AI-powered features help you schedule pins, monitor engagement, and measure the success of your campaigns, making it easier to manage your social media strategy. Hootsuite’s analytics provide in-depth insights into your Pinterest performance, helping you make data-driven decisions. Moreover, Hootsuite’s collaboration features allow you to work with team members on your Pinterest strategy, streamlining the workflow for larger organizations or marketing teams.

7. Sprout Social

Sprout Social

Sprout Social provides robust social media management tools, including support for Pinterest. You can use it for streamlining your workflow, gaining audience insights, and managing your Pinterest strategy. Its AI-driven analytics and scheduling features enable you to streamline your workflow and gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences. Sprout Social’s intuitive interface and powerful reporting tools make it a great choice for managing and optimizing your Pinterest strategy. Additionally, Sprout Social’s social listening features allow you to monitor conversations around your brand and industry, helping you stay informed and responsive to trends and customer feedback.

8. is an AI-powered content generation tool that helps you craft engaging copy for your Pinterest pins and descriptions. You can use it for creating compelling pin titles, descriptions, and even blog posts to accompany your Pinterest content. uses advanced natural language processing to generate high-quality, human-like text that can attract and retain your audience’s attention. By leveraging, you can save time on content creation and ensure that your pins have the perfect copy to boost engagement and click-through rates.

9. Visme


Visme is a design tool that helps you create engaging visuals for your Pinterest boards. You can use it for designing infographics, charts, and data visualizations. Its AI features assist you in designing eye-catching pins that can drive more traffic to your content. Visme offers a variety of templates, graphics, and customization options, allowing you to create unique and compelling pins that resonate with your audience. Additionally, Visme’s tools for creating infographics, charts, and data visualizations make it an excellent choice for content creators looking to share informative and visually appealing content on Pinterest.

10. Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics is an essential tool for anyone looking to understand their performance on the platform. You can use it for tracking pin performance, understanding audience behavior, and gaining insights into what content works best. This tool provides detailed insights into your pin performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics. With Pinterest Analytics, you can make data-driven decisions to refine your strategy and improve your content’s reach and effectiveness.


Incorporating AI tools into your Pinterest strategy can dramatically improve your ability to create, schedule, and analyze content. Each of these tools offers unique features that cater to different aspects of Pinterest marketing, from design to scheduling to analytics. By leveraging these AI-powered tools, you can enhance your Pinterest presence, engage with your audience more effectively, and achieve your marketing goals with greater efficiency.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these tools will help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of social media marketing. Circleboom Publish, with its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, stands out as a must-have tool for anyone serious about optimizing their Pinterest strategy. By integrating these tools into your workflow, you can ensure that your Pinterest marketing efforts are not only successful but also sustainable and scalable in the long run.




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